Controller of Examinations
The office of the Controller of Examinations (COE) has been functioning from the year 2007 with the conferment of Autonomous status to the college. The Controller of Examinations (COE) office is an important part of the autonomy. The COE Office is responsible for the announcement of academic schedule, preparation of question papers, conduct of examinations, evaluation of answer scripts, declaration of results and issuing of grade sheets. Every academic year, students take up End Semester Examinations (ESE) in the months of November and April. The following are the exclusive features introduced over the years:
- The Time Table for conducting the Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA) for each semester is prepared well in advance and displayed in the notice board for the information of the students.
- Before the commencement of the End Semester Examinations (ESE), each candidate is given a Hall Ticket with the candidate’s photo, date, time and the paper code of the regular and / or arrear examinations for which the candidate is going to appear.
- The Results are published within 15 days from the last date of End Semester Examinations (ESE)
- After the publication of the results, a copy is given to the department concerned and all the results are uploaded in the college web-site.
- The candidates are provided a consolidated Statement of Marks and Grades for each semester with fifteen security features.
- The results are approved by the Result Passing board with one University Nominees of Bharathiar university, Coimbatore. The Principal, The Controller, Assistant Controller and Heads of Department as per UGC norms are as members.
- The reformation of examination system and adaptation of evaluation tools in our campus are the outcome of the innovative curriculum designed by us. Since the curriculum designing is a never ending process, so also the reformation in the examination system.
- The college has introduced Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) from the academic year 2008-2009. Varying credits are assigned to different courses depending on the instructional hours and the nature of the syllabus content. CBCS gives freedom to the students to study courses of their choice and enables transfer of credits if a student migrates to another institution to complete the same programme.
Controller of Examinations
Dr. N. Ravichandran has 27 years of teaching experience. His professional expertise in Finance has helped him to present Research papers at National Seminars.
Besides he has been guiding M.Phil and Ph.D scholars for several years. He has also served as an NSS Programme Officer of the College which increased his potential to represent the College to outside bodies.
Assistant Controller of Examinations
Dr. M. BALACHANDER M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D presently working as Associate Professor of Electronics and Assistant Controller of Examinations started his career since June 2001. He had is graduation in Electronics and perceived his Doctorate degree in Electronics under Bharathiar University also he cleared UGC – NET.
He had also been recognized as research supervisor, supervising scholars leading to M.Phil / Ph.D research programme under Bharathiar, university. He is having a credit of publishing more than 15 research articles in national and international journals.