Consumer Club (CC) was established in our College during the year 2021. Consumer Clubs is Promoting Consumer Awareness and Education. The focus of the club is to evaluate the role in promoting consumer awareness and education. The consumer clubs serve as a platform for disseminating information and awareness of consumer related activities and programmes, an assessment of their working and what further needs to be done is the subject matter of enquiry. Consumer club is started to spread awareness on consumer related matters like consumer rights, consumer protection, consumer welfare schemes among students. The main objectives of the club is to educate the students about rights of the consumers, to mobilise youngsters by instilling in them the spirit of protection of consumer rights and to impart knowledge about the role of consumers in protection of their rights and to strengthen the consumerism.
Vision & Mission
- Bringing awareness and realization to students, about duties and responsibilities as citizens of India.
- To spread awareness on consumer rights amongst all consumer segments to students.
- To feed knowledge and skills relating to consumer rights among our college students and to impart knowledge on product standards, product quality and about markets.
- To build a base of enlightened citizen customers as the foundation of future India and skills relating to consumer rights among our college students and to impart knowledge on product standards, product quality and about markets.
Strategic Goals
- To raise consumer rights knowledge across all sectors, particularly among college students.
- To emphasise the significance of consumer rights and responsibilities.
- Empowers students with knowledge and awareness in consumer related issues.
- Prepares the student to face the world with confidence backed by knowledge.
- Create awareness about consumer laws and equip the students with life skills enabling them to lead better lives.
- Enables them to become aware of their duties as a consumer making them better citizens.
- Spread awareness about the rights and responsibilities of Citizens and Consumers as provided in the Constitution of India, Consumer Protection Act, 1986 and other Indian Laws.
Functions of Consumer Club
Consumer Clubs have to be activated through some structured activities. Active Consumer Clubs may go beyond this and also take up innovative activities. The following basic structure of functioning is recommended:
- Monthly meetings and demonstrations for one hour after school hours on the First Thursday of each month. Each month a topic / activity may be scheduled as in the model calendar.
- Days of National and International importance to consumers may be celebrated in the College. Poster / Speech / Essay competitions can be organized at college level by the Consumer Club.
- Field visit to local markets / Consumer Courts and door to door campaign in the local community etc., may be organized for at-least 6 days in a year.
- Minutes of each activity have to be recorded.
- A Consumer Club notice board shall be opened to be updated daily by the teachers and students with consumer related news.
Duties Of A Member
- To learn and follow the traits of a responsible citizen and aware consumer.
- To disseminate information gained through the club among fellow students, parents, and other people in the community.
- To organize and actively participate citizen building and consumer protection programmes being organized by the club as well as in their locality, mobilizing general public.
- To observe all important international and national days especially National Consumer Day (24th December) and World Consumer Rights Day (15th March).
- To treat all fellow citizens with care, concern and responsibility.
Club Activities
- Consumer Club –DEBATE.
- Consumer awareness programmes.
- Drawing Competition – Consumer Awareness.
- Consumer Awareness Rally.
- Cooking – Healthy Foods (Without Fire).
- Consumer court – visit.
- Poster presentation.
- A Demo on Detection of Adulterants in Food.
• Consumer Club Inauguration
• Consumer Club –DEBATE
• Consumer Awareness Program
• Consumer Court Visit
• A Demo on Detection of Adulterants in Food
• Consumer Club Inauguration
• Consumer Rights day Celebration
• Food Factory Visit
Composition Of Consumer Club
Name | Category | Mobile | Designation |
| Convenor | 9489182799 | Associate professor |
| Staff coordinator | 09843603555 | Associate professor |
| Member
| 9942039634 | Assistant Professor |
| Member
| 7708833661 | Assistant Professor |
| Member
| 9952565308 | Assistant Professor |
| Member
| 9443321232 | Assistant Professor |
| Member
| 8940381513 | Assistant Professor |
| Member
| 8547337511 | Assistant Professor |
| Member
| 6238014258 | Assistant Professor |
| Member
| 9159359259 | Assistant Professor |
9629800969 | Assistant Professor |
Phone number : 9489182799
Email : Jishavino.research@gmail.com