Program Overview
Students graduating from BBA, BB CA and BBA Aviation Management are eligible to get jobs in leading airline, defence forces, central and state government services, national and multi-national companies. They are also eligible to join for higher education like MBA, MIB, MSW etc.
Programme USPs
- On successful completion of BBA and BBACA, students can become Entrepreneurs.
- On successful completion of BBA Aviation Management programme, students are eligible to join in leading airlines as Airport Manager, Cabin Crew, Ground Duty, Baggage Handling, Ticketing etc.
Programme Outcomes
- Upon completion of the programme, the students are expected:
- To expertise in essential knowledge on business along with practical exposure which enhance the students to meet the challenges in the corporateenvironment.
- To inculcate the entrepreneurship skills among students
- To excel in the computer knowledge among students to adapt the industry.
- To equip the students various aspects on current business knowledge and requirements of changing corporate needs.
Programme Duration
Programme Type
Eligibility Criteria
Candidate for admission to the first year of the BBA degree Programme shall be required to have passed the higher secondary examination conducted by the Govt. of Tamil Nadu or other examinations accepted as equivalent
Programme Structure
- Language – Tamil I/ Malayalam I/ Hindi I/ French I/ Arabic I
- Communicative English – I
- Essentials of Management
- Organisational Behaviour
- Computer Basics for Management
- Operation Research
- Value Education – Ethics and Culture
- Language – Tamil II/ Malayalam II/ Hindi II/ French II/ Arabic II
- Communicative English – II
- Accounting for Managers
- Managerial Economics
- Corporate Communication
- Business Statistics
- Environmental Studies
- Modular – Introduction to Event Management & PR
- Production and Operations Management
- Marketing Management
- Office Automation
- Income Tax Law and Practice
- Corporate Law
- Soft Skills for Managers I
- Basic Tamil I / Women’s Rights / Advance Tamil I / Basic Hindi I / Basic Malayalam I
- Commercial Practices
- Modular – Event Management Planning
- Financial Management
- Human Resource Management
- Advance Excel
- Total Quality Management
- Banking Operations
- Basic Tamil II / General Awareness / Advance Tamil II / Basic Hindi II / Basic Malayalam II
- IDC – Hospitality Service Marketing
- Modular – Event Process Management
- Cost and Management Accounting
- Business Research Methods
- Accounting Package – Tally 9.1
- Insurance Principles and Practice
- Logistics Management
- Employability Skills – I
- Institutional Training
- Extra Disciplinary Course
- Modular – Event Marketing and Sponsorship
- Entrepreneur and Project Management
- Strategic Management
- SPSS Practical
- Project and Viva Voce
- Knowledge Management
- Employability Skill – II
- Modular – Special Events : Wedding Planning and Live Events
Credits & Evaluation
- Semester-wise/ year-wise
- Date of the last semester-end / year-end (for non-semester) examinations
- Date of declaration of results of semester-end/ year-end examinations
- Number of days taken for declaration of results for semester-end/ year-end examinations