Placement Cell

About The Placement Cell

The Placement and Training cell has been assisting the students in paving away to their careers. The training division of the college works in close association with the placement and value added education. The division provides assistance to the students in acquiring skills required for immediate employment. The training division aims at developing readily employable graduates with the requisite technical and soft skills. A full-fledged in house training wing addresses areas like communication skills, building relationships, personality development and other behavioral areas that are appropriate to a budding engineering graduate taking an assignment in an organization.

The cell conducts training programs to prepare the students to face the recruitment process and to meet the needs of the industry. A series of Training Assessments will be administered to each and every individual and will be mapped on the skill-will matrix. The students will then be coached, guided, mentored, supported or trained depending on the needs of the students.

Placement Activities

  • Imparting the importance of English by implementing as English Campus.
  • Equipped Language laboratory used to improve the students Communication skills.
  • Weekly Four hours training on Soft skills, Aptitude, Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning.
  • Individual counseling to make them understand the certainty of life. Train them to work towards the goal.
  • Special Communication Development Training programs will be conducted by leading training Institutes.
  • Ensuring maximum visibility of the institution to the corporate world through frequent visits, interactions with the top management and facilitation of Faculty Development Programmes, Student Visits, Training and Project Guidance under Corporate Action Plan.
  • Selecting Placement Committee (Placecom) for placement and providing necessary inputs. Placecom is a body of selected students representing the entire batch and works closely with Head – Placement. Placecom students are involved in all activities connected with the placement process.
  • The Placement Team Marching towards on 100 % Placements.
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